A new quieter route this year !! with E-Brevet facilities available. A 206 km cycling event starting from Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 2SE. Controls at Alton, Watlington and the Finish, plus 4 information controls.

Start Location at M40 Services Area. Easy access from M40 or London Marylebone. Free parking. Ibis Hotel reasonable rates at Start. Free WIFI. Pub and café 24hr services.

An event for experienced Randonneurs, capable of riding long distances in all conditions throughout the winter, carrying all necessary food, clothing, spares, first aid etc. suitable for such conditions. Taking in some quiet lanes in Bucks, Berks, Hants and Oxon, the event is winter friendly and ideal for RRtY riders. Proof of passage has to be obtained by the entrant at main controls which have commercial outlets available, and there are commercial outlets close by each of 4 info controls.
Yes, a manned finish this year. NO, On the line entries.